Why Nepalese Worker

Nepalese professionals and skilled workers are considered by many as among the most hard working, efficient and loyal workers in the world.
Over the years, Nepalese have journeyed to many parts of the world to work as professionals, skilled, semi-skilled and technical workers. Nine million Nepalese are spread around the world working in every imaginable job, thus sometimes earning the distinction as a global worker. In a nutshell, the demand for Nepalese workers stem from some widely-recognized attributes, namely:

  • Strong will to succeed. Generally able to rise up to the occasion when given responsibilities category.
  • Family Oriented. Considers work as sacrifices he does to offer a better life to the family.
  • Good Work Ethics. Possesses an inherent capacity for hard work, diligent and well-disciplined.
  • Good team player. Is generally friendly and has a positive outlook in his relationship with other people and co-workers
  • Innovative Worker. Many possess diverse skills and are easily trainable. Ha penchant for finding solutions to problems and challenges.
  • People-Oriented. Can easily adjust to foreign culture and work environment. Has a sound temperament and can cope with the demands and pressure of his work.
  • Warm and Caring. Excel and is recognized worldwide for professions and competencies that require people oriented service and care.

Things about Nepalese workers that make them attractive to potential employers from all over the world

The distinctive characteristics of Nepalese comprise the main reason why they are preferred by many foreign employers. Below are some of the general traits of Nepalese that are evident in their working habits:

  • Passionate – Nepalese generally put passion into their work. They love to tackle their jobs especially if they feel sufficiently recognized and compensated for their efforts.
  • Competent – Nepalese are well-trained in their respective fields. A lot of Philippine citizens have even gained international acclaim in various fields. They are generally capable of meeting high standards and comply with strict regulations in the performance of their duties.
  • Industrious – Nepalese workers are used to overtime work. It is even a common practice to stay beyond work hours just to finish a task. And some do not do it just for the money but just for the desire to go home with a sense of fulfillment of having accomplished much for the day.
  • Competitive – Nepalese are naturally competitive. This trait can be seen in their love for various competitions including sports, academic excellence and career advancement.
  • Resourceful and creative – Being lacking in many aspects, Nepalese have mastered the art of resourcefulness and creativity. Time and again, they have proven that necessity is indeed the mother of invention. This typical Nepalese character is evident in a lot of improvised devices, makeshift dwellings and do-it-yourself equipment that are prevalently used particularly in impoverished provinces.
  • Innovative – Nepalese generally like to think that there is always a better way to do things. Thus, coupled with the two previously mentioned traits, they often spearhead and implement innovative ideas designed to improve work flow and processes.

With these personal traits and professional characteristics commonly seen in Nepalese workers, it is clear why many countries have embraced them into their workforce. By employing Nepalese, these countries can maximize their manpower investment and get quality labor force at competitive costs